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Alpha Reality KYC

Best in class Know Your Customer service. Using AI to enhance and speed up your KYC process

AI Driven KYC

Integrate KYC process in your products with the power of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Fully Customizable

Using our in-house team to meet your needs

About Us

Plug-&-Play KYC Solution

About Us

The Best KYC Solution
For You

Comprehensive KYC Solutions
At Alpha Reality, we offer tailored KYC solutions that streamline customer verification processes, ensuring efficiency and regulatory compliance.

Customizable Solutions
Our KYC services are customizable to meet your specific business needs, from document verification to biometric authentication.

Automated Verification
Our AI-driven KYC verification reduces onboarding time and minimizes fraud risk, enhancing customer experience.

Compliance and Security
Stay compliant with KYC and AML regulations while ensuring data security with our advanced encryption protocols.


Verification & LivenessUs

Face Verifaction and Liveness Solution

Our biometric Verification system, with an accuracy of 99.9%, matches user input images with reference databases such as the civil registry. It is used in processes such as registration, system login, and user onboarding.

Liveness detection is one of the services of the biometric authentication system, which verifies the user’s image with 99% accuracy. It has high resistance against various attacks, including print attack, display attack, and mask attack.

Verification & Liveness

Face Verification & Liveness Solution

ASR Technology

ASR Technology


Automatic Speech Recognition Solution

The ASR feature, or Automatic Speech Recognition, in the biometric authentication service is used in registration services, particularly during the identity verification stage. This allows the verification process to be completed without the need to upload original texts or identity documents, simply by reading them aloud.


ASR technology converts spoken language to text. Key applications include:

Customer Service
Improves IVR systems and reduces wait times.

Virtual Assistants
Enables voice commands for devices like Siri and Alexa.

Enhances accessibility through voice control and transcription.

Document Verification

Document Verification Solution

With this service, uploaded documents such as national ID cards, driver’s licenses, etc., can be verified using artificial intelligence. If there is any discrepancy with the document, an appropriate message will be displayed to the user online.


The AI-driven Document Verification service ensures accuracy by cross-referencing with official databases. This helps in swiftly identifying fraudulent documents, enhancing security, and providing users with immediate feedback if their documents do not meet the required standards.


Document verification

Document Verification Service

OCR Service

OCR Technology


OCR Service

With the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) service, textual information from identity cards is extracted, allowing the user to complete the authentication processes more easily without having to manually enter the data.


The OCR service not only speeds up the authentication process but also enhances the user experience by reducing errors associated with manual data entry. By accurately capturing details from documents like passports and driver’s licenses, it simplifies form filling and ensures a smoother, more reliable user flow.



Different Integration
Methods to choose from



With Alpha KYC SDKs you can easily integrate our services and call our APIs right from your own app and website.



Our easy-to-use APIs enable quick integration of our KYC solution, offering identity verification, document scanning, and fraud detection. Streamline onboarding and enhance security effortlessly.



KYC Gateway

Alpha KYC Gateway simplifies integration, eliminating development overhead. Redirect users to the Alpha domain for KYC processing and receive instant results.



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Companies that Trust Us


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the Alpha authentication system is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24/7).

The accuracy of the Alpha authentication system is 99.99% based on field tests and scientific articles.

Yes, by using Alpha’s SDK and API, you can utilize the system under your own brand without mentioning or displaying Alpha’s logo and brand.

The Alpha support team responds to customers within less than 1 hour on working days and less than 3 hours on official holidays.

Yes, for various system modes (including using the API, SDK, or gateway), testing and familiarization with the system is possible. For more information, please contact us at email x.



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